27 August 1915

ANZAC - HILL 60 - Anzac and Suvla was still under threat and it was decided to make one last effort to capture Hill 60 on 27 August. A scratch force of 350 Australians, 400 New Zealanders and 250 Connaught Rangers charged forward once again at around 16.00. These battered units made varying progress and some managed to get into the Turkish lines pressing them back from the southern slopes. Captain Bryan Cooper od the 5th Connaught Rangers left a description in his history of the 10th (Irish) Division.

"At four the bombardment began. Ships, howitzers, mountain-guns, all combined to create a babble which if less intense than that of the previous week, was nevertheless sufficiently formidable. The trenches were so close to one another that our troops waiting to advance were covered with dust from the high explosives, but no injury was done. At last, at five, the bombardment ceased and the stormers, led by Lieutenant S. H. Lewis, went over the top. They went into the Turkish trenches almost before the enemy were aware of their coming and forced their way along them with bayonet and bomb. The supporting parties, however, were not so fortunate. The range to the parapet from whence they started was accurately known to the enemy, and from every part of the trench which was not actually under assault violent machine-gun and rifle fire opened. Man after man as he climbed over the parapet fell back into the trench dead, yet the next calmly stepped forward to take his place. Now, too, the enemy's' artillery opened, and as, unmenaced elsewhere, they were able to concentrate all their forces on the defence of Hill 60, their fire was terrific. Incessant salvoes of shrapnel burst overhead, while the parapet of the trench from which the advance was taking place was blown in by high explosive. Yet, still, the men went on over the parapet and gradually a few succeeded in struggling through the barrage, and in reinforcing their comrades in the captured trench." (Captain Bryan Cooper, 5th Connaught Rangers, 29th Brigade, 10th Division)

 After a desperately close fought conflict they secured a solid base on the southern slopes of the hill. The reserves were sent in from 9th and 10th Australian Light Horse and the vicious fighting continued all night.

 "Again and again, the Turks attacked, mad with fanaticism, shrieking at the top of their voices and calling on Allah. The merciless bombing continued and the trenches slowly became encumbered with dead. At last about 10.30 pm, after the fight had lasted five hours, a crowd of Turks succeeded in entering the Rangers' trench near its northern extremity. This northern end was held by a small party of men who died where they stood. The remainder of the trench was, however, blocked and further progress by the enemy arrested. Still the fight raged and bombs and ammunition were running short, while the losses became so heavy . Fresh Turkish attacks kept coming on, and for every assailant that was struck down, two more sprang up in his place. It was clear that soon the defenders would be swept away by force of numbers, and they were compelled at midnight to fall back to the southern end of the captured trench. This point they blocked with a sandbag barricade."

 Hill 60 was still not secured.


B. Cooper, The Tenth (Irish) Division, pp.200-204